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How to release a blueprint?
Frank Keizer avatar
Written by Frank Keizer
Updated over a month ago

In this article how to release a blueprint and update projects. We also show how the initial release of a blueprint is done. The initial release is very similar to follow up releases, but requires an initial project to be created. Please watch the videos below to learn more.

01 The initial release of a blueprint

Video content

0:00 Introduction

0:15 Scope of the exercise

0:23 Release of blueprint

1:30 Setting user project rights

1:42 Validating the project

2:15 Create a new blueprint version

3:25 Final notes

02 Release a blueprint, update the project and create additional projects

Video content

0:00 Introduction

0:33 Scope of exercise

0:55 Small blueprint change

4:08 Release the blueprint

4:25 Create new projects

5:25 Create a sandbox

6:15 Validate change

6:30 Final note

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