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How to set up and change perspectives?
Frank Keizer avatar
Written by Frank Keizer
Updated over a month ago

Perspectives are used to make a specific cluster of views, that fits a specific usecase. This is done by selecting a subset of the (detail and over-)views available.

After one or multiple perspectives have been implemented, the end user can use such a perspective to effectively do their taks without being bothered by not needed views / functionality.

In this article we explain why and how to implement perspectives.

Video content

0:00 Introduction

1:07 Scope of exercise

1:30 Creating a perspective

2:00 Creating a tile

2:25 Selecting overviews

2:40 Creating a missing overview

3:30 Selecting a new overview

3:50 Selecting a decomposition

4:40 Changing an existing overview

5:45 Selecting detail views

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