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How are roles & rights set up?
Frank Keizer avatar
Written by Frank Keizer
Updated over a month ago

In this article we will discuss how you can manage roles and rights by making use of the combined functionality of subscription roles, project teams and modules.

Rights are assigned on two levels:

  1. Subscription roles - This defines what rights you have within a subscription.

  2. Project roles - This defines what you can see and edit within a project.

Note: Whenever a view contains data that the end user cannot see, the whole view is hidden.

Please watch the below instruction video to learn more.

Video content

0:00 Introduction

0:35 Why roles & rights?

1:46 Extensive answer

2:00 Roles & rights in levvr

3:20 Subscription roles

5:20 Modules

5:55 Project teams & roles

Interesting links

Subscription rights

  1. Subscription administrator

    • The ability to access the company subscription setting and invite new users.

    • Invite new users

    • Assign application roles to users

  2. Template administrator

    • See and edit all blueprints

    • Create new blueprint(versions)

  3. Project teams administrator

    • The ability to create and edit project teams.

    • Note: this is a seperate role since project teams can be reused across blueprints.

  4. Project administrator

    • Create new projects

    • Manage settings of existing projects

  5. Project data importer

    • Create import mappings

    • Import data

  6. Integrations administrator

    • Create integrations

    • Manage existing integrations

  7. Project contributer (Base role)

    • See projects for which you have access rights

    • Work within projects based on project roles. Project roles are set seperately

Project roles

After creating a semantic model within the blueprint, you can assign parts of the model to modules. These modules form a base for setting the rights a role within a project team has. Rights can be set to per module. These are one of the following:

  • None - The role is not allowed to see or edit the module. As soon as a view contains information that is part of a module for which the rights are set to none, the whole view will be hidden for a user.

  • View - The role is allowed to view, but not edit a module

  • Edit - The role is allowed to edit the par of the model that is contained by the module.

When desired, rights can be set on the level of node and relation.


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