Read this article in case you want to learn how you can configure your blueprint to enable users to link upload new or link existing files to nodes in projects. Examples are, uploading files as "evidence" to explain the why the status of a verification is set to "approved", or linking files as "reference" to an issue to provide more background information in the form of for example pictures.
Step-by-step explanation
1. Open node details panel in blueprint
Go to the model canvas in the blueprint editor and select open the node's detail panel for which you want end users to upload/link files.
2. Assign "reference" and/or "evidence" as attachment types
On the detail panel, there is a "attachment dropdown" as shown in the screenshot below which shows 2 options: "reference" & "evidence".
These 2 options reflect the type of relationship which end users can use to link files to nodes. You should use:
Reference when you want users to link background information to a node:
For example when a requirement is described stating you should "adhere to ISO-27001", then you can use this relationship to attach the file to that requirement.
Evidence when you want users to link evidence information to a node:
For example, a multi-page PDF report that contains an extensive calculation that the building design can "carry the load of the entire building".
Note 1: The distinction is important, since in the near future you will be able to include these relationships in queries as well. This will allow you to:
Show file attachments in overviews;
Include the related files in document reports.
Note 2: you can see these check boxes as a reference or evidence relationship to a separate file node as is shown in the image below:
3. Upload and/or link files on the node detail panel in any project
Once you've released your blueprint, the nodes for which you enabled file uploading now contain a new tab on their detail pages called "attachments":
By clicking on "Add attachment", a popup is shown where you can either select a file that is already uploaded within levvr and if applicable select whether it should have an "Reference" or "Evidence" association:
or upload a new file from your PC:
Uploaded files are shown on the node detail panel where you can:
Change the type of association from "reference" to "evidence" and vice versa
Download the file or;
Detach the file.